Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Squash Adventure

A couple of months ago I decided to start all sorts of squash to give away. I watered and checked them daily and nothing happened. I abandoned them and Jason combined all the soil and reused it to start ice cream bean. Guess what came up?! Squash! And we don't know what is what! I can't give away plants that have no identity, so we planted them - all 15 of them. There are Wyatt's Giant Wonder, Cinderella Pumpkin, Baby Blue Hubbard, Omaha Pumpkin, and louffa gourds. There may be a couple of others as well. We'll see!
We also planted black beans, okra, zucchini, fennel, sunflowers, eggplant, orange bell peppers, tree tomato and giant white maize. Hopefully it is a bountiful harvest this year!

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